I love sitting on my couch looking out the front window. As the seasons change so does my view. Today this is what Abbie (my dog) and I see. We've experienced a wintry mix during this storm, so the tree limbs and branches are encased in .5 of ice and 6 inches of snow cover everything. Our power lines are still intact but drooping heavily.

It's been awhile since I last blogged. I miss it. I miss not finishing our home improvement chronology (btw...it turned out beautifully) and documenting my "Unravelling" journey through photography.
Several weeks ago I read a post from the creator of the Unravelling course about picking a word for the year. I pondered the idea for several days and wondered if I'd like to try.
While driving back from the grocery store (or maybe Starbucks) two words came to mind: REACH OUT.
I like them. I am intrigued. I'm intimidated and scared...but I'm interested and willing. I'm not exactly sure what this will mean to me or for me, but I know it has to do with being braver in connecting. In know it means blogging more, especially about topics busting within me.
So, we shall see what a year of reaching out looks like for Small Glimpses.