Sunday, October 24, 2021


This post may never get published, but I need to give myself permission to write freely.  It's been a long, long while since I opened this blog to write something, but not long since I've been working through things to write.  

Since my last post the world has changed. We are 20 months into the pandemic. Could argue we are 23 months since the first case reportedly occurred in December 2019. For us it was March when the reality sunk in and in one day I was working from home, B's class switched to online, we were buying groceries from a service and staging groceries before bringing them inside. We never ran out of toilet paper because, we confess, we did a little hoarding.  

Now we are 6 months into being fully vaccinated and working through if/when to get the booster.  We talked about it this morning and Brad said some things that are moving the needle for me.  Two people close to me (though not in physical contact) contracted COVID in the last two weeks.  Both vaccinated, but they cleared the virus in a few days with a few days of yucky symptoms.

Before I started writing I looked through my list of draft posts, things I've barely started and things that have some form. One from December 15, 2015 caught my eye. I called it Sanctuary. I'm not for sure what prompted the post. I only found it included a definition of Sanctuary and the start of a musing.  I like that very much.   

  • a place where someone or something is protected or given shelter
  • the protection that is provided by a safe place
  • the room inside a church synagogue, etc. where religious services are held
  • a place of refuge or protection
  • a refuge for wildlife where predators are controlled and hunting is illegal
  • a consecrated place